Effects upon: Nose
It can help to rinse out your sinuses or use pure olive or sesame oil to lubricate the nasal mucosa. Douching (rinsing the nose with warm, salty water) can keep the nose clean, wash out mucous, help reduce inflammation and infection and therefore can help relieve nasal symptoms. It is a safe, natural way to help wash crusts and mucus from your nose. The water helps to pull fluid out of any swollen lining of your nose helping you to breathe. This also helps to open up the sinuses. Steaming using a nebuliser or a simple steam inhaler can also be very helpful.
The following is a solution for you to make at home. All the ingredients are available from local shops or supermarkets:
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
½ pint of warm clean water
Mix the ingredients together
Fill a large syringe or the NeilMed Sinus Rinse bottle
Stand over a sink or in the shower/bath
Keep your head straight
Put the nozzle of the syringe/bottle in one nostril
Try to aim the nozzle towards the back of your head
Squirt half the mixture into one nostril and then repeat on the other side
The mixture should come into your mouth – spit this out
If you swallow the mixture it will do you no harm
Blow your nose gently
Rinse your nose in this way two or three times a day
After douching rinse the syringe/bottle in warm, soapy water

The following products may be helpful. They should be available from a large chemist or many can be obtained online.
Neilmed NasoGel
Neilmed Sinus Rinse
Pure Olive or sesame oil in a dropper bottle
PEM Friends does not endorse any of the items shown above. These items have been suggested by individual members because they have found them useful.