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Weekly PEM Friends Zoom call

Our weekly gatherings on Zoom are a mixture of companionship, support, advice, practical help, and laughter. They allow PEM sufferers to be able to get together and talk openly about anything and everything with others who really understand.


There is no agenda for these virtual get-togethers: sometimes we discuss coping strategies, sometimes we talk about medications, sometimes we chat about the issues of the day, and sometimes we just listen when someone needs to vent. At times people have a lot to say, other times they might say very little; some people come every week, others pop in when they can make it. Some people phone in, some don’t have cameras and just have audio. We don’t mind how people connect or what they wish to contribute.


Zoom is pretty straightforward to use, and our combined experience is great at sorting out any technical hiccups should they arise. It is even possible to phone in if you don't have access to a device with a camera.


Calls are never recorded and you can talk about any relevant topic. The only people on the call are PEM Friends, and so are patients or their loved ones who live in the UK.


New PEM Friends are always made very welcome on the call!


To receive an invitation and call in details, you should either be in our PEM Friends Facebook Group or subscribe to our mailing list.

A screen shot of a Christmas Zoom meeting showing 20 people waving and dressed in festive hats

A Christmas Zoom call

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